Industry Surveys

2022 State of the U.S. Artisan/Specialty Cheese Industry Survey
- Report of Key Findings: includes data on demographics, production, marketing, food safety, industry participation, and attitudes and perceptions.
- Benchmarking Report: includes data on geography, production methods, production volume, milk types, marketing and distribution practices, and profitability.
- Food Safety Report: includes findings on aging practices, food safety planning, milk testing, regulatory knowledge, inspections, and audits.
Digital copies are available for download at the following rates:
- ACS members: $125 for all 3 reports
- Non-members: $750 for all 3 reports
If you completed the industry survey, you have FREE access to the reports. Simply log in to the ACS Learning Center in the top right corner and the reports will be downloadable.

State of the U.S. Artisan/Specialty Cheese Industry Survey
Since 2016, the biennial State of the U.S. Artisan/Specialty Cheese Industry Survey, funded by the American Cheese Education Foundation, provides critical data about the small businesses that make up the community of artisan, farmstead, and specialty cheesemakers in America.
Access to the State of the U.S. Artisan/Specialty Cheese Industry Survey Reports is available to current ACS members only.