Cheese Educator Directory
The ACS Cheese Educator directory is designed to help those seeking expand their cheese knowledge and cheese education. ACS shares regionally based educational resources, including courses offered through university extension programs and dairy research centers, state regulatory contacts, and regional cheese guilds on the Safe Cheesemaking Hub.

Educators Directory
American Dairy Science Association
Champaign, IL United States
Education sessions held at annual and regional meetings.
Boston University Culinary Art Programs
Boston, MA United States
Offers certificate programs and seminars on a range of culinary topics, including cheese.
Cornell Small Farms Program (Cornell University Cooperative Extensions)
Ithaca, NY United States
Dairy Foods Consulting & Westminster Artisan Cheesemaking
Westminster, VT
As a dairy foods consultant and artisan cheesemaker, Peter Dixon draws on over 30 years of cheesemaking, as well as 20 years of consulting with people engaged in or interested in making cheese and dairy products. At Westminster Artisan Cheesemaking in Westminster, Vermont, Peter Dixon offers small group cheesemaking instruction geared toward handmade artisan and farmstead cheese production.
Dairy Learning Center (At University of Wisconsin - River Falls)
River Falls, WI United States
Series of courses including cheesemaking, producing safe dairy, etc, leading to certification as Wisconsin Master Cheesemaker.
Dairy Products Technology Center (California Polytechnic State University)
San Luis Obispo, CA United States
Makers & Mongers
Offering sensory analysis and judge training programs and other experiential professional development programming for cheese professionals.
Based at Mons Fromager-Affineur in France, MonsFormation offers experiential learning courses in English for cheese retailers, cheese shop owners and managers, and affineurs.
Murray's Cheese
New York, NY United States
Regularly scheduled viritual and in-person classes, plus “Boot Camp”, a more comprehensive cheese education program.
New England Cheesemaking Supply Company
Ashfield, MA United States
Cheesemaking Supplies and books
Penn State University - Department of Diary and Animal Science
University Park, PA United States
Penn State University - Department of Food Science
University Park, PA United States
Annual short courses & workshops: The Science & Art of Cheese Making, Dairy HACCP Workshop, Dairy Basics: Fundamentals of Food Safety, Pasteurizer Operator’s Workshop, Ice Cream Short Course, Ice Cream 101: Introduction to Frozen Desserts, Penn State Cultured Products Short Course, Food Safety and Sanitation for Food Manufactures (in-person or online), Food Microbiology Short Course.
Philly Cheese School
Philadelphia, PA United States
Classes on how to serve, pair and enjoy cheese, virtually or in-person at their South Philadelphia classroom.
The Cheese School of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA United States
Single session and series curriculum covering both consumer/enthusiast and professional audiences.
University of Guelph - Food Science Department
Guelph, ON Canada
The Department of Food Science offers a range of cheesemaking courses, ranging from introductory to master classes on specifc varieties of cheeses. These courses can be taken individually, or as part of the Cheesemaker Certificate.