Affinage: The Art and Science of Maturing Cheese course
Affinage is an art apart. This course covers the infrastructure, tools and equipment, and techniques used by French affineurs to mature all styles of cheese. Students work in the caves at Mons Fromager-Affineur alongside the Mons staff. Classroom work and experiential learning are key components. Students learn the life cycle of rind flora and how they affect cheese ripening: proteolysis, glycolysis, and lipolysis. Defects in cheesemaking and affinage are adressed, along with their causes and solutions. The economics of affinage and how affinage is a key component in managing inventory for both cheesemakers and in retail. Students receive daily sensory analysis training in an affinage context. Held in Ambierle, France, at Mons Formation, part of Mons Fromager-Affineur. 5-day, full time program. Hotel, breakfasts and dinners, and all course materials included.

Event Details
Date: Apr. 7 — 11, 2025
Time: 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
- Makers & Mongers
+33 7 81 89 29 60 - Mons Formation
+33 7 81 89 29 60
- Mons Fromager-Affineur, France
Cost: 2800€