“Whitney,” a Raclette-Style Cheese From Vermont, Named First Place Best of Show at 2022 American Cheese Judging & Competition

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PORTLAND, Ore. – July 21, 2022 – "Whitney," a Raclette-style cheese from Jasper Hill Farms
of Greensboro Bend, VT, was named 1st Place "Best of Show" among 1,387 entries at the
American Cheese Society's 2022 Judging & Competition. The results of the competition -- held
for the first time in three years owing to the COVID pandemic -- were announced at a ceremony
today at the 2022 “Blazing the Trail for Cheese” Conference at the Oregon Convention Center.

“I think that we're at an inflection point in our industry,” said Mateo Kehler of Jasper Hill Farms.
“We've been through so much the past few years, and this for us [winning Best of Show] is just
epic. It is our opportunity to push the boundaries in our market to win new consumers. I would
call you all to that effort. I think that when we win consumers for specialty cheese, whether it's a
Whitney, or any of the amazing cheeses that you produce, we all win and we can all win

Two cheeses tied for 2nd Place Best of Show: “Flagsheep,” a semi-hard cow’s milk cheese
competing in an open category from Beecher's Handmade Cheese of Seattle, WA, and
“Bamboozle,” a washed rind goat and cow's milk cheese competing in an open category from
Goat Rodeo Farm & Dairy of Allison Park, PA. The 3rd Place Best of Show went to
Greensward, a soft-ripened washed rind cheese from the collaboration of the Cellars at Jasper
Hill of Greensboro, VT, and Murray’s Cheese of Long Island City, NY. Greensward is sold
exclusively at Murray’s.

The four “Best of Show” Cheeses are among the 380 total awards given at the ceremony - 116
gold medals, 130 silver medals, and 133 bronze medals among 136 organizations.

ACS’ Judging & Competition (J&C), the largest event of its kind for American-made cheeses,
wrapped up two-days of judging at the Huntington Bank Stadium at the University of Minnesota
in May. Cheeses in 120 different categories were submitted to be judged by an esteemed panel
of 30 judges. Cheeses entered in the competition were received May 17-18, 2022, with judging
from May 19-20. Growing from just 89 entries 38 years ago, the ACS J&C welcomed cheeses
and cultured dairy products from 196 companies this year.

"After a two-year hiatus, we are thrilled that the American Cheese Society's Judging &
Competition is back. This year, the 2022 Annual Conference opened with the Award Ceremony
to celebrate the accomplishments of our cheesemakers throughout the entire conference,” said
Judging & Competition Chair, Rachel Perez. “J&C is a unique competition that focuses on
providing expert constructive feedback with the goal of giving cheesemakers the guidance to
produce better cheese and elevate American Cheese in the marketplace."

The ACS Competition shines the spotlight on American cheesemakers by showcasing their
talents and work as leaders within the industry, both for their excellent cheesemaking and
commitment to food safety. For a list of past J&C winners and judges, visit

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