ACS Webinar - How To...101s: Mini lessons in Cheese Mongering Tools, Cutting, & Wrapping

Sign up here: This collection of pre-recorded mini lessons are meant for beginner cheesemongers as they are beginning their journey behind the counter. Steve Jones, Izzy Creveling, and Emi Lee all show how to use the most common tools found behind the counter, how to cut and prep yourself for a big production run of cutting, and how to wrap cheese with both plastic wrap and paper. These short, pre-recorded lessons are between 2 - 5 mins long each, and are meant to be helpful 101s to go along with behind the counter training. Sign up here:

Event Details

Date: Fri, Jun. 30, 2023

Time: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM


  • American Cheese Society


  • Online

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